WELCOME TO DKSPGI & Research Center, Raipur | DKS Super Speciality Hospital, Raipur | Medical College Raipur |
New संविदा डॉक्टर वॉक-इन-इंटरव्यू सूचना New डी.के.एस. पोस्ट ग्रेज्युएट इंस्टीट्युट एवं रिसर्च सेन्टर रायपुर में फिजियोथेरेपिस्ट (संविदा) के पदों की भर्ती हेतु लिखित परीक्षा का अंतिम परिणाम New डायलिसिस सेवा हेतु निविदा संशोधिता सूचना New डी.के.एस. पोस्ट ग्रेज्युएट इंस्टीट्युट एवं रिसर्च सेन्टर रायपुर में फिजियोथेरेपिस्ट (संविदा) के पदों की भर्ती हेतु लिखित परीक्षा दिनांक 24/11/2024 का परिणाम New फिजियोथेरेपिस्ट संविदा पद हेतु लिखित परीक्षा के दावा आपत्ति उपप्रांत अंतिम मॉडल उत्तर New डायलिसिस सेवा हेतु निविदा संशोधिता सूचना New Bsc dialysis technology course 2024-2025 selection list New Msc renal science and dialysis technology course 2024-2025 selection list New डायलिसिस सेवा हेतु निविदा संशोधिता सूचना New डायलिसिस सेवा हेतु निविदा संशोधिता सूचना New UPS बैटरी को क्रय करने हेतु निविदा सूचना New संविदा डॉक्टर वॉक-इन-इंटरव्यू सूचना New डायलिसिस सेवा हेतु निविदा संशोधित सूचना New संविदा डॉक्टर वॉक-इन-इंटरव्यू सूचना New चिकित्सालय के परिसर में स्थित डी.जी.(जनरेटर) कुल 3 नग को सी.एम.सी कार्य हेतु निविदा आमंत्रण सूचना New डायलिसिस सर्विस हेतु जारी निविदा में संशोधित निविदा सूचना New फ़िज़ियोथेरेपिस्ट संविदा के रिक्त पदों पर भर्ती हेतु दावा आपत्ति एवं मॉडल आंसर सूचना New चिकित्सालय के बाहर लोहे की जालियों को पेंट कराने हेतु निविदा आमंत्रण सूचना New एमएससी रीनल साइंस और डायलिसिस टेक्नोलॉजी और बीएससी डायलिसिस टेक्नोलॉजी कोर्स 2024-2025 काउंसलिंग सूचना New फ़िज़ियोथेरेपिस्ट (संविदा) के लिखित परीक्षा से सम्बंधित अभ्यर्थियों के लिए आवश्यक दिशानिर्देश New फ़िज़ियोथेरेपिस्ट (संविदा) के पदों पर भर्ती हेतु लिखित परीक्षा सुचना New डायलिसिस निविदा प्रपत्र मूल्य के संबंध में सूचना New डायलिसिस सर्विस हेतु प्री बिडिंग की सूचना New सहायक प्राध्यापक सीनियर रेसिडेंट तथा जूनियर रेसिडेंट के रिक्त पदों पर संविदा भर्ती New हेमिलटन वेंटिलेटर को मरम्मत करने हेतु निविदा New वैक्यूम मशीन की मरम्मत करने हेतु निविदा New PSA ऑक्सीजन गैस प्लांट को पुनर्स्थापन किये जाने हेतु निविदा New हीमोडायलिसिस मशीन के मरम्मत हेतु निविदा प्रपत्र सूचना New डायलिसिस सेवा हेतु निविदा सूचना New डायलिसिस सर्विस निविदा सम्बंधित सूचना New संशोधित प्रवेश सूचना सत्र 2024-2025. एमएससी रिनल साइंस एंड डायलिसिस टेक्नोलॉजी एंड बीएससी डायलिसिस टेक्नोलॉजी पाठ्यक्रम New Application form for B.Sc. Dialysis Technology Course Session 2024-2025 New Application form for M.Sc Renal science and dialysis technology course session 2024-2025 New प्रवेश सूचना सत्र 2024-2025 MSc renal science and dialysis technology and Bsc dialysis technology course New फ़िज़ियोथेरेपिस्ट के रिक्त पदों पर संविदा भर्ती
Welcome to Department of Burn & Plastic Surgery DKSPGI & Research Center, Raipur | DKS Super Speciality Hospital, Raipur | Medical College Raipur |

Department of Burns & Plastic Surgery

        The Department of Burns & Plastic Surgery was established in December 2005 at Dr. B.R.Ambedkar Memorial Hospital attached to Pt. J.N.M. Medical College, Raipurand was shifted to its present site at DKS Super specialty Hospital Post Graduate Institute & Research Centre in October 2018 when the Super Specialty Hospital was established as a separate specialized tertiary care hospital. The hospital is attached to Pt. J.N.M. Medical College, Raipurand is affiliated to Pt. DeenDayal Upadhyay Memorial Health Sciences and Ayush University of Chhattisgarh. It is run by Ministry of Health of Chhattisgarh state Government.It is having one of the most developed and fully equipped Plastic Surgery Department for teaching, training and patient care in central India.

         Infrastructure – The Department is situated at first floor of the DKS Super Specialty hospital has two sub specialized subunits – Burns Unit and Plastic, Maxillo-facial&Reconstructive surgery Unit.

         The Burns Unit – The Burns unit is a fully functional,modular 20 beddedburns unit with 8 ICU beds, first of its kind in central Asia..It is having dedicated Burns Operation Theatre.It is equipped with 1 patient bathing system and patient mobilization system offering comfort and safety to the burns patient during their dailydressings. It is the only specialized burns center catering to Central India having very vast catchment area.

         The Plastic Surgery Unit – The Plastic Surgery ward consists of 30 beds for both Male & Female patients. It is fully air conditioned and with individual monitors for 5 beds requiring more intensive monitoring. The department has two fully dedicated Operated theaters in the Main theatre Complex catering to need of Plastic Surgery care 24x7.

        The Department offers MCh training course in Plastic & Reconstructive Surgery as per MCI guidelines and has presently capacity of admission of 1 seat per academic year. The first MCh (Plastic Surgery) residency programme was started in May 2019. The Department also provides training facility to MS (General Surgery) residents posted in the Department on rotary basis.The Department also runs postgraduate certificate course in Hand surgery.The Department is thus committed to teaching and contributing to continue medical education and holds weekly teaching activity for its residents and supporting staff. The Department also provides comprehensive care in Cosmetic Surgery, and is equipped with PAL (Power Assisted Liposuction) machine, RFA machine to treat varicose veins and Diode LASER &IPL machines. Burns Unit of the department is equipped and efficient in treating Acute burns, Chronic burns wounds and complications of Burns (Contractures). It is the tertiary referral center for the state of Chhattisgarh and thus deals with all complications and types of Burns, including thermal burns, electric burns etc

-: Faculty List :-

Dr.Dakshesh Shah
Dr.Dakshesh Shah
Professor and HOD,
DKS PGI & Research Center Raipur C.G
MS (Gen Surgery)
MCh(Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery)

Having teaching experience of 15 years in plastic surgery for undergraduate, postgraduate medical students, nursing and physiotherapy students. Guided about 14 theses of postgraduate medical students. Having 4 publications in various indexed journal. Having 3 projects in research category. Field of interest-cleft surgery, congenital malformations, aesthetic and reconstructive surgery.

Dr. Krishnanand  Dhruw
Dr. Krishnanand Dhruw
Associate Professor,
DKS PGI & Research Center Raipur C.G
MS (Gen Surgery)
MCh(Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery)

Dr. Krishnanand Dhruw joined the department in December 2016 as an Assistant Professor after completing his MCh Plastic Surgery from Institute of Post Graduate Medical Education & Research(IPGME&R), Kolkata. At present working as Associate Professor in Department of Burns & Plastic Surgery since August 2019. Having teaching experience of three and half years in plastic surgery for undergraduate, postgraduate medical students, nursing and physiotherapy students. Having 2 publications in indexed journal.He is regularly involved in multiple complex and complicated cases in other specialties. His special interest includeBurns , Aesthetic & and Reconstructive Surgery , Hand & Microsurgery.

Dr.Vishwamitra B.Dayal
Dr. Vishwamitra B.Dayal
Assistant Professor,
DKS PGI & Research Center Raipur C.G
MS (Gen Surgery)
DNB (Plastic Surgery)

Dr. Vishwamitra B.Dayal joined the departments senior resident in June 2017 after completing his DNB PLASTIC SURGERY from Ganga Medical Centre Coimbatore. At present working as assistant professor in department of Burns and Plastic surgery since March 2019.Having teaching experience of three years in plastic surgery for undergraduate, postgraduate medical students, nursing and physiotherapy students. His special interest includes general plastic, burns, trauma , hand and microsurgery.

Dr. Abhay Agrawal
Dr. Abhay Agrawal
Assistant Professor,
DKS PGI & Research Center Raipur C.G
MS (Gen Surgery)
DNB (Gen Surgery), DNB (Plastic Surgery)
MCh (Plastic Surgery), MRCS

Dr Abhay Agrawal joined the department in March 2019 after completing his fellowship in Trauma & Reconstruction from East Grinstead, UK. He has also finished his fellowship in Burn Surgery from Germany & was a Visiting Scholar at Chang Gung Memorial Hospital, Taiwan for advanced microsurgical training. His special interest includes Cosmetic Surgery, Brachial Plexus surgery, Microsurgery & Burns.

-: Residents List :-

S No Name Qualifications Batch
1. Dr. Deepika Sinha MS (Gen Surgery)
MCh Trainee
Batch - 2019

-: Specialty Clinics :-

S No Days on which held Name of the Clinic Timing
1. Monday Craniofacial Anomalies Clinic 9 am to 1:30 pm
2. Tuesday Hand Clinic 9 am to 1:30 pm
3. Wednesday Burns Clinic 9 am to 1:30 pm
4. Thursday SRS Clinic for third gender 9 am to 1:30 pm
5. Friday Laser Clinic 9 am to 1:30 pm
6. Saturday Cosmetic Surgery Clinic 9 am to 1:30 pm

Welcome to DKSPGI Hospital, Raipur